Friday, May 20, 2011

A A A A A a a a a a !

Dudes! I am stuck at the start of the alphabet and loving it!

I've done a ton of work, and put a lot of stress, sweat, worry and tears (and hours and miles) into this semester and I so deserve it! I really feel so happy, so amazing like only hard work paying off can make one feel!

It is a feeling that is either indescribable or describable only by run-on sentences.

I've gotten 2 A's so far out of 5 classes. I'm really loving it! Looking forward to seeing more. Hopefully I'll hit that 4.0 this semester :) Oh GOD that would be heavenly!

I can't forget, my mom did so much for me and she's who really made this possible! Thanks Mom, I love you soooo much!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

MS Access; Got an A!

After much hard work, sleepless nights, reading books, reading articles, reading md office websites, trial-and-error, VBAs, headaches, eyestrain, disgust with technology, delight with technology, unanswered questions and phone calls to my professor, and just giving up on the notion that I'm paying full tuition for an actual expert/instructor to be in any way helpful ... and realizing that I can do it better on my own .... I outdid myself! And got an A! :)
Now, professor evaluations will be mighty fun.

Crochet-ez Moi

Alors, this crochet trend is really picking up yarn!
I saw this a few months back and decided to try it for myself ... of course, it would be guesswork. I don't actually have the pattern. But it'so cute I'm willing to try it with ivory lace as well!
It would be amazesome to wear this ... it is my fave time of year in NYC -- printemps en Central Park! (My other equal favourite is summer in NYC ... you know, sunshine and birthday and all.)
:) Let's see how this goes.

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