Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

I've decided to start a time diary.
And maybe even a blog for my preschoolers.

Time to face the day though.... I might need some chocolate to ensure my sanity.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Dance, goofy smile


I am so excited.
I am perfectly giddy sometimes.

If at some point during the day I get a look on my face of pure bliss, like I smell cupcakes and flowers and smile like I've got the biggest secret, know that it's for this:

My boyfriend is coming home this weekend!

Yes, he's coming home and I want to do a happy dance right now!

I'm praying all goes well.... I havent seen him in 3 months!

I know he always uses his time off to come home instead of taking adventures, so I'm gonna make sure this is a staycation he won't forget!

I'm off to plan...
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