Friday, October 14, 2011

Lineage of Grace

This week I started reading Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers.

I already feel a connection to this book, and I'm not even past the first chapter. Perhaps it is only my expectations, but I feel this book will tell me more about God and how to be a woman of God.
I'm excited.

It's been a good day.

My hubby called :)
My sisters are hanging in my room
And now my potato boy is sleeping next to me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Snip, Snip

I finally cut a negative someone out of my life, and it showed me that I had good reason to. However in a weird twist of events, her seemingly mild-mannered friend was the "hype" one... Honestly she sounded so hood! I really had to stop her and asked her if it was really her. She then pounded out her name, and high school and all that ... yup, hood.
I guess they rub off on each other.

Not sure if they're out of my life for good though, but as long as they're not trying to communicate with me as if we're buds I can deal.

All in all, I'd rather have 5 solid good friends than a few extra backstabbers.

To Alex

I've been reading about hyperthymesia or super autobiographical memory and it's really interesting! It is a rare memory ability that allows a person to recall/relive a day in their life as they were seeing it through their own eyes. Sounds like you doesn't it? But these people can recall the day, weather, what they said and wore and ate, and felt ... but only as it pertains to their own experience. I love your memory, and I think I'd love
to go into research about it, its just so fascinating! But it leads me to wonder if the best researchers on the topic aren't the subjects themselves?

From now on I'll make an effort to vamp up my memory and spend some time recalling what I did each day.


I fell asleep before it was time to pray today ... its a bit after 3am now.


Potato boy's uggs came! eeek! I'm so excited!
And lastly, you must know that I miss you. Conversations, your smell, touch, and smile flutter in my head like new butterflies with heavy wings. I look forward to sleeping next to you again.

Stay cool, mon amour.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Price of Learning

Today in Macy's a woman grabbed my hand and started dancing with me! So I danced with her even though I thought maybe she mistook me for someone else. But I don't think she did! She mentioned that she loved the song that was playing and even told me her mom passed a while back and her name was Lisa, like the owner of Carol's Daughter (I was searching for the Carol's daughter counter). She also told me I had beautiful eyes. I told her she did too, hers were a pale blue-green-gray that looked magnificent on her brown skin. I hope I can be that joyous one day. She told me to have a blessed day.

I did.

I spent some quality time with two of my best friends Dane and Sasha, and I really enjoyed it. I had a dance-inducing Starbucks iced coffee & an amazing jumbo chocolate chip cookie, compliments of Mary's gift card). I kept hoping Alex was there ... I want to do normal stuff with him, like walk around the mall holding hands and kissing on the escalator going up. I really miss him, everything about him. My really good friends are the ones hat bring happiness to my life, even when they're not there.

I also prayed and asked God to help me heal and forgive. I am so angry at Rich. The way he took advantage of me really hurts, I helped him from my heart the best way I could. I really went out of my way, and out of my comfort zone, and now that it is having a very negative effect on me he just lies and lies and shows me he doesn't care. He is so selfish, even knowing I have so little to begin with.

I guess I'll have to just pay the price and be glad he is out of my life. I'm trying really hard not to wish bad on him, but it brings me actual pain to think about him much less think of him doing well.

It is a lesson to me to keep poisonous people out.

"When people show you who they really are, believe them."

I'm going to start spring cleaning tomorrow, there's another person who I have to talk to clearly so they understand they are not welcome in my life.

I am just putting all my faith in God, keeping my head up, and eyes forward.

Monday, October 3, 2011

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