Thursday, June 16, 2011


Of work ...
I don't want to say anything bad about work, for fear I seem ungrateful and God takes it back. I am grateful, and it's really not bad ... I suppose I just need time to adjust.

Of life
It seems every other day I come up with one more thing I want to do with my life... I want to start a scholarship for undocumented kids, for anyone who pushes to achieve in life really, not just for college.
I want to laminate or frame my accomplishments. For years I've been hiding my success, my medals have been in a bag instead of hung, and my newspaper articles folded ... I'm going to get some nice frames for my high school and college degrees and make a nice wall of it.
I want to intern at Jamrock magazine. I thought of it before, 2 years ago, but now its here again and I wont forget! With work and now this, it seems I'm supposed to reconnect authentically with my Caribbean heritage. Oh, and it's Caribbean-American Heritage Month!
I want to look better. I'm not vain, but I can appreciate beauty. I don't want to go overboard and have to wear makeup everyday, but I think some nice outfits would work, and getting my hair done too.

Of moving forward
"Keep moving forward" is one of my new mantras in life, ever since I saw that movie Meet the Robinsons.
I want to go to to Columbia University Business School. I always wanted an MBA, and I want to try for the best this time. I have what it takes, and I want to be in their class of 2014.

Of love
I am falling so hard ... and to a wonderful, deserving man. * High hopes *

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear are you sure falling? I mean that's kinda scary don't you think, not knowing where your going to land. ->OVSO<-


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